Some Rules Of Thumb For Lighting Up An Event

Event lighting is quite a technical job to do. This is because a single fault or error could ruin the entire evening. Provided that, event lighting is nearly impossible for an inexperienced technician to handle. It would not be wrong to say that it is an art which takes years to perfect. Indeed, only a commercial lighting company carrying years of experience would be able to manage a task requiring such care and accuracy.


Perhaps the most crucial aspect to event lighting is understanding your own needs. This comes about through proper brainstorming. At this point, you should be questioning the theme of the event, the type of mood that you want to induce among your audience, and the event’s setting. Since every event happens to have different lighting requirements, event lighting always poses new challenges.


architectural lighting

So you might be wondering what are the factors based on which event lighting is done? Here are some general rules of thumb to remember:

1. Make sure that the lights are filling up the entire event space. You certainly would not want to have dark corners in the room unless and until that is a requirement. Moreover, it is always easy for event photographers to get great pictures in case the entire space is evenly illuminated.

2. In most of the cases, even distribution of light in the entire event space is unlikely. Hence, there could be a need of changing the brightness of a couple of lamps in some specific areas at the event space.

3. One of the most important factors is the reliability of the lamps. Having one lamp going down in a single corner could mess up the entire set. This could be achieved by using products by some reliable LED lights manufacturers.

4. Having some control over the lighting is always a plus point as it allows you to set things up in accordance with the situations require. Say, for instance, one of the lamps on the stage goes down due to a technical error. In this regard, having some extra moveable lights could help for easy replacement and the continued flow of the event.

5. Another important factor which often goes ignored includes the other equipment that is being used on the event site. For instance, if there is the use of projectors on the event site, dim diffused lighting would be the best choice. In case the event features a music band, you would certainly not want to use extremely bright lights hence temporarily blinding the audience.

6. Another difficult aspect of lighting an event up includes arranging lights in a way so as it splits evenly into space. This is something that you can achieve through experience, and by consulting an event management professional.

7. Lighting on an event must follow the proper theme and should set the mood of the attendees accordingly. In this regard, consider hiring an architectural lighting company such as Color Imagination LED Lighting Limited. It would allow you to add more lighting creativity into your event space.


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